Tuesday, December 3, 2013

>> Investment Pieces

As I've gotten older I've gotten a little better at figuring out what sort of thing is worth investing in (to me) & what sort of thing I can skimp on.

I'm the type of girl to find something that I absolutely love and will wear constantly.

My mom brought me a Michael Kors purse as a 'sorry I didn't take you to Vegas with me' (it's a long story haha) gift & even though it isn't the fanciest from his line or anything, it's much nicer quality than anything else I have & I haven't switched bags since she gave it to me. That was 3 years ago. I still love it. It's still in great shape. (yes I have the bag itch.)

Two years ago for Christmas my parents gave me a Michael Kors watch & I literally cannot leave the house without it, I absolutely love it & it makes me feel much more pulled together than I actually am 80% of the time.

I also have things I've bought that were at lower price points but LOVE them and they were still good quality even if they were less expensive (and before I get much farther, my mom is A+ at finding things for a good price, she didn't pay full price for either of the above mentioned things & that kind of thing is pretty infrequent).

Anyways, now that I've rambled for a million years - I've been thinking about some things that I would love to invest in & thought that I'd share them!

I'll be honest, there's definitely one item that spurred this post.

Hello Beautiful 
These are from J.Crew here
I've been wanting a pair of leopard shoes for several years but haven't found any that I love enough to buy. I've tried on about 92384 pairs of horribly stiff flats but never found a pair that I liked enough to actually buy.  A few months ago I saw this video and thought the Etta was gorgeous. Today, I was browsing Glitter and Gingham & in between drooling over her outfits (my style is significantly darker than hers, but she's got great taste & I love the way she mixes patterns) I noticed that she had these adorable leopard heels on in about half of her outfits. I eventually made my way over to J.Crew to check them out & ugh, love. Hello Etta, we meet again. The shape is gorgeous and classic and the chunky heel is what my dreams are made of - the height is my favorite for heels too. I'm not huge on heels most of the time but I have a feeling that these would be suuuuper comfy. As far as style goes, my style is black. Like, the color. I love wearing 98% black 99% of the time & these would be the perfect pop of something, even though they're neutral. And the times I decide to wear something a little lighter? Still flawless. Hopefully I'll eventually be able to get my hands on a pair. (Er, pair on my feet?) 

Another piece is another watch. I have a gold oversized runway like this one & I literally wear it every time I leave the house. But I'm also one of those weird people who can't mix metals & so for the past 2 years I haven't touched any of my silver jewelry. Oops. My solution? A black watch. 

Like this one. I'm not super fond of the silver watches but a chunky matte black? That sounds right up my alley. Of course it doesn't have to be Kors, but quality would be nice, I'm tough on my watches. 

Now that I'm thinking about it, most of my investment wishlist is accessories... but more on that later! 

xoxo Jessica

Monday, December 2, 2013

Hello World (that was so unoriginal)

You know, I've tried doing this about 10 times I'm sure - ok maybe that's an exaggeration but I've tried to do the whole blogging and/or vlogging thing too many times to count, and maybe this time will fail too... but I think I'm just going to let it be a diary and an imperfect, awkward mess.

Hello, I'm Jessica, and I'm learning how to do this life thing. I'm at that weird place in life where I'm getting old enough to start really figuring myself out, and my style and how to be an adult. I've finally started taking proper care of my body and am learning how to cook (this is a Big Deal), I'm reorganizing and redecorating everywhere in our house that I have control of doing that kind of thing. I'm... learning how to life.

So, this is Jess learns life.

That means I currently have no idea what I'm doing. I kind of have an idea of where I want to be though! So uh... onwards!

In exciting news, I'm going to Ikea for the first time on Thursday (this is also a Big Deal. I don't understand why Raleigh doesn't have an Ikea. I'M GETTING BOOKSHELVES FINALLY.) There are several places that have been waiting to be finished for about 2 years now, and finally, fiiiiiiiiiinally they'll be getting done.