Monday, December 2, 2013

Hello World (that was so unoriginal)

You know, I've tried doing this about 10 times I'm sure - ok maybe that's an exaggeration but I've tried to do the whole blogging and/or vlogging thing too many times to count, and maybe this time will fail too... but I think I'm just going to let it be a diary and an imperfect, awkward mess.

Hello, I'm Jessica, and I'm learning how to do this life thing. I'm at that weird place in life where I'm getting old enough to start really figuring myself out, and my style and how to be an adult. I've finally started taking proper care of my body and am learning how to cook (this is a Big Deal), I'm reorganizing and redecorating everywhere in our house that I have control of doing that kind of thing. I'm... learning how to life.

So, this is Jess learns life.

That means I currently have no idea what I'm doing. I kind of have an idea of where I want to be though! So uh... onwards!

In exciting news, I'm going to Ikea for the first time on Thursday (this is also a Big Deal. I don't understand why Raleigh doesn't have an Ikea. I'M GETTING BOOKSHELVES FINALLY.) There are several places that have been waiting to be finished for about 2 years now, and finally, fiiiiiiiiiinally they'll be getting done.

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